So the wierdest thing happened last night. Let me back up just a bit, sometimes when Jaden is sleeping at night he does this thing where he gets up on all fours then collapses, then does it again and again. He never wakes up. I think it's sleepwalking.
Well last night I heard him doing this so went in to check on him, but then he started screaming, so I picked him up to calm him down, but he continued to scream. I could tell he wasn't awake. This went on for quite awhile so Ryan came in to see what was going on. Jaden doesn't usually scream none stop, and he never has before at night. He never even tried to put his thumb in his mouth like he always does when he is distressed. Whether in our arms or in his crib he moved around like he usually did when he cried, but never woke up.
Ryan turned on the light and tried to get him to wake up with no more luck than I had. Though he was still screaming Ryan put him back in the crib and wrapped him up. We watched him cry and squirm for awhile longer then finally he opened his eyes and sat up and just looked at us like "what's up guys?" We wrapped him back in his blanket and in five minutes he was back asleep and we had no other problems that night.
So what's up with the sleepwalking night terrors? Is this normal in babies? I don't like it. I think it's creepy and I feel bad that I can't comfort him when he's scared. Ryan said that he had a few sleep walking incidents when he was younger but hadn't had any since.
If your baby has done this or know of one that has please let me know. I'm curious to know if this is normal or something I should be worried about.
1 comment:
I never had to deal with this, but I just read a blog this morning about Emily's little guy. (Emily is Terri Toombs youngest daughter).
Here is what she said about her little guy my sweet baby Dylan has been having these weird nighttime "frights" as the doctor calls them. He wakes up in a hot sweat just screaming bloody murder! A couple times the only thing that has calmed him is to lay him in our bed and let him fall asleep and then put him back in his crib. NO WORRIES...I am NOT going to get into the habit of him sleeping with us. But, I must say I do love watching him sleep. He is so sweet.
I don't know about the not waking up. By the way I read the blog to keep informed on her little one. He was hit by a car.
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