I think time is very fickle. In theory it is the same. 60 sec. in a min., 60 min. in an hour, 24 hours in a day, 28/30/31 days in a month, 12 months in a year. But I have never felt like time is that consistent. When I was younger a day was 40 hours, a month 200 days and a year.......eternity. Now it seems as if a day is 5 hours, a month 12 days, and year 5 months. What has changed? Has time changed?
When I was pregnant with Jaden those months dragged on and on time growing slower and slower the closer I got to my due date. Today Jaden is 7 months old. 7 months! Where did that time go? Surely my baby has not been out in is world almost as long as he was inside my belly?
On that note...surely we have not nearly been married as long as we were in high school. surely Ryan isn't coming up on his 10 year high school reunion in just a couple years! What happened? Who sped up the galactic watch only to slow it down at the most inoportune moments?
I'm amazed at the changes my baby has already made. In the past 5 months he has changed so much that his newborn pictures look like a completely different baby than what I have now. And yet I have changed so little since I was 16! Okay sure, my hips are a little wider, my stomach a little poochier, my thighs a little thicker, my hair a little longer, my boobs a whole lot bigger...not an improvement in my book, but Ryan seems happy with my changes. But to look at me then and to look at me now one may think only a couple of years had passed. Not 8!
So does time go slow when we grow so fast then slow down when we stop growing? Then is time not really standard for all but relative to age, position in life, activity at the moment? I think so! Take that mathmaticians and figure it out! Time is more relative than we ever thought!
I'm just grateful for the time I have. No matter how relative one thing is certain, in this life time is finite. I wish I wasn't so wasteful with my time. I'd like to say I am going to change and become more productive with my time, but that isn't true. All I can say is that I am grateful for my time. Fast or slow I'm having the time of my life!
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