When Jaden is in a good mood and just playing on the floor he'll take the time to examine his fingers or toes. He moves them slowly watching what they do or he carefully tries to pick something up out of carpet. He's almost got the thumb working to pick up any piece of string or lint that has managed to escape the vacuum. He also is already using his toes to shift his balance as he stands by the couch. Those fingers and toes are truly beautiful in function as well as design.
I think we take advantage of our undernoticed digits. Such as the way my fingers are typing away right now, or when you peel a banana, or balance on one foot. What a remarkable thing it is to have fingers and toes.
I love to look at the world through my baby's eyes. If we learned to appreciate things like babies do we would realize how truly blessed we are just to be who we are and have what we have.
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