Watching Ryan with our baby, it won't take long to see that he is rough and tumble parent. Ryan loves to throw Jaden up in the air and tickle him and hold his hands while he tries to walk. He usually leaves the more gentle parenting to me. The cooing and singling and snuggling and making the boo boos betther.
Well yesterday, Ryan worked all day then had class at night. During that brief 30-45 min. at home Jaden was being a little terror. He cried and shouted and didn't want me to hold him but didn't want to be on the floor. I knew he was just overtired so I put him in his crib to cry himself to sleep. Ryan usually tries to avoid the baby as much as possible during these screaming tirades. I can't blame him, it's very loud and headache produsing. But this time Ryan went in and gently lifted the crying baby out of his crib to hold him and cuddle him and rock him for just a minute before going to class. Jaden stopped crying at his father's attention though quickly resumed it when he tried to put him down on the floor to play. Jaden was returned to his crib and promptly fell asleep.
I'm glad that Jaden loves to play with his daddy, but I also love these more gentle moments of calm and quiet when the love in the room can be felt with all of your soul. I love it when Ryan tells Jaden how cute he is, Ryan usually affectionately calls him stinky, but it's nice to know he sees our son the same way I do. As the cutest little thing we've ever seen.
I don't expect Ryan to be overly sensative with me and Jaden, he's much better at playful love. I enjoy this as does Jaden, but it's nice to know this strong assertive man also has a very gentle side as well.
(The picture above with Ryan and Jaden is an old one but it's my favorite daddy baby picture so I put it there.)
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