There's a lot of reasons a marriage doesn't work, but I think there are a lot more reasons why a marriage does work. One of the things that I enjoy is that we often do the daily chores together. Such as: Cooking dinner, doing the dishes, & putting the dishes away. We do the housework together also, though not as much as we used to. When I was working we split it up, but now that I'm home all day I clean the living room, kitchen, dishes, sweep, mop,vacuum, and feed the rabbit every day.
I also do laundry 3 times a week. I know, a lot huh? With Jaden's clothes, blankets, bibs, burp rags, towels, & washclothes he makes quite a lot of laundry all by himself! So I do his laundry twice a week and ours once a week....anyway, Ryan doesn't really touch the laundry. Too many clothes with specific directions. Hand wash, wash but don't dry, hang dry, lay flat to dry, and then Jaden's stuff takes quite a bit of finesse to get those stains out.
That was a little off topic, sorry I just hate laundry, it seems to be the bane of my existince and is never ending. But back to working together... Ryan cleans the bathroom on the weekends so he still helps out with the housework that way too.
We fell into this routine quite naturally. Not really a surprise. My parents often do many chores together as well, and watching Ryan's parents I can see that they do as well. This has been a great benefit to our marriage. Had Ryan decided that it was the woman's job to cook and clean we would have been in trouble long ago. Being home while he's at work I do take on more cleaning responsability as well as taking care of Jaden, but Ryan still doesn't expect me to do it all on my own and is never upset if cleaning takes the back burner to something else that came up suddenly.
I'm so glad for his help and patience. Not just splitting up housework, but doing it together makes it far more enjoyable...or at least bareable. Just a thought from the happy homemaker battling laundry today.