12/28 @ Gingerscraps
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And of course I have a participation prize!!
I continue to be intrigued with this series. There continue to be surprises and controversy to make you think, not to mention plenty of adventure to keep you reading. I am fascinated by this world created by a mad scientist. I highly suggest this book. Dad, I think you'd really like it!
The second book wraps things up so nicely, ending with "and the three of them were happy." what better way to end things, and yet there is a third book! Hmm? What more mysteries are there to unlock? Aw yes the real reason Dr. Harding created Atherton. How intriguing! Plus we get to visit the dark planet, formerly known as Earth. How very exciting. Can't wait!
I loved my first book I read of Jessica Day George and was certainly not disappointed by this one. Beautiful rendition of East of the Wind West of the Moon, & beauty and the beast. The story was familiar but she kept it fresh and exciting. It's a beautiful story and I'm sure any girl would love love LOVE it!
The second installment of the Outcast series managed to be just as good as the first! Often the newness of the scenery wears off and things feel redundunt with some series, but the description of the beautiful yet eerie parliment building as well as the dark and closed in magical prison under the sea. And of course the visit to the Wurm world was also new and interesting.
Timothy and Leander continue to grow and learn more about themselves and the mages Leander had held with such respect for so long. The addition of Cassandra will surely add more drama later, but she still remains a bit mysterious. There's a few more mysteries left for more books also, such as the evil master that seems to be giving directions to all our villains.
It's an easy read, but a good one. Wonderful Magical world.
Fascinating! I've read a great deal of "Utopian Society" books and this one is quite satisfying along those lines. A whole world created, people and animals hand selected by the worlds creator who happened to turn out to be a mad scientist. Memories of their previous lives wiped away. Society divided into the workers and the thinkers. The workers tended to the grove and herds to feed the planet while the thinkers controlled the water supply to keep those below them in line. Seperated by a gigantic cliff. How very clever! I love the characters, the loner hero that finds himself making friends, the tag along young girl, the corrupt head of the entire planet, the mysterious Dr. Kincaid, and of course the mad Dr. Harding who created the world of Atherton. The whole thing is brilliant.
I hadn't realized when I picked the book up that it was a series, but now I can't wait to read more and find out what happens to this planet and the fascinating people on it.
This book was fantastic! I don't know many Chinese stories, but most that I do know have a good and wise emperor, makes sense though that at times the emperor was indeed evil. I loved the description of her kung fu fighting and would love to see what a real kung fu master could do in real life, ya know without the magic of story telling.
Anyway this story is full of surprises and certainly does not end as one would think a good honorable chinese story would, but then again, it is a "forbidden book" I loved Da Chen's storytelling and would love to read more by him also.
I found the magical world of this book different from those I've read in the past and it sounds truly beautiful. A bit predictable in some parts, but not too much so. I enjoyed Timothy's character as well as those of his friends. All who caught on astonishingly well considering most of them spent their entire lives on an interdimensional tropical island.
The story was unique enough that I am going to look into the sequal. Good clean with some magical violence, I have no problem recommending it for all ages, though would probably be most interesting to those around 10-14.
Certainly not what I would consider a terribly exciting book, but Aunt Sally sure had a way of telling stories! Including the ones about the Fat Little Mean Girl and Maud who shot 80 "cougars" and of course the trolls kept kreeping into the stories about her past.
I love how when all was said and done, things weren't wrapped up in a nice neat little bow. We never did find out if Sally and her brother were reconciled, nor did we find out what really happened to him aside from Sally's story. All we really learn in the end is that Melissa and Amanda did indeed allow Pee Wee to be a ghost for halloween rather than an ugly step sister as they had intended. What does that mean? The auther wonderfully leaves that up to us. I love that. Definately an entertaining book and a good subtle reminder that how we treat our siblings as children could indeed effect our relationships in the future.