Blessed—or cursed—with an ability to understand animals, the Lass (as she’s known to her family) has always been an oddball. And when an isbjorn (polar bear) seeks her out, and promises that her family will become rich if only the Lass will accompany him to his castle, she doesn’t hesitate. But the bear is not what he seems, nor is his castle, which is made of ice and inhabited by a silent staff of servents. Only a grueling journey on the backs of the four winds will reveal the truth: the bear is really a prince who’s been enchanted by a troll queen, and the Lass must come up with a way to free him before he’s forced to marry a troll princess. ( loved my first book I read of Jessica Day George and was certainly not disappointed by this one. Beautiful rendition of East of the Wind West of the Moon, & beauty and the beast. The story was familiar but she kept it fresh and exciting. It's a beautiful story and I'm sure any girl would love love LOVE it!
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