Certainly not what I would consider a terribly exciting book, but Aunt Sally sure had a way of telling stories! Including the ones about the Fat Little Mean Girl and Maud who shot 80 "cougars" and of course the trolls kept kreeping into the stories about her past.
I love how when all was said and done, things weren't wrapped up in a nice neat little bow. We never did find out if Sally and her brother were reconciled, nor did we find out what really happened to him aside from Sally's story. All we really learn in the end is that Melissa and Amanda did indeed allow Pee Wee to be a ghost for halloween rather than an ugly step sister as they had intended. What does that mean? The auther wonderfully leaves that up to us. I love that. Definately an entertaining book and a good subtle reminder that how we treat our siblings as children could indeed effect our relationships in the future.
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