I got my first assignment back from my professor. She did a great job not only editing and critiquing, but she also gave me some reading material for examples of what I need to work on. I love it! I understand what she means entirely! I went back and changed the entire ending of my story. This class is going to be great for me I can tell. On to my next assignment. This one has more of a word limit. I like that. I have a hard time getting any character development across along with the plot in just 500 words. I think I'll get better at it as I go along.
Awhile back I signed up for a forum of moms on photography. This has really peaked my interest and I would like to persue this as a hobby, no not to make money, I can only handle one unlikely business at a time and I've already spent $700 on my writing class. But, I do have an adorable subject to take pictures of and I think it's a lot of fun to edit them, so that's my new fun thing. I do need a better camera, but that will have to wait. In the meantime I'll keep playing with editing tricks.
And that's what I'm up to!
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