So I've tried to be so careful with our little fishtank. We got it before was born so Ryan could have his ideal pet...fish, yeah I like things a little fuzzier. Anyway, when Jaden got to where he could move I didn't feel the fish tank was safe in our living room anymore so we put it in our bedroom up on the dresser where Jaden can't get to it. The problem with this is that when the water gets low the filter sounds like a waterfall and for some reason gives me bad dreams at night. (The wind blowing outside does the same thing). So Ryan tries to keep it filled.
Well, the other night I was dreaming about filling the fishtank with water and being careful not to disturb the sugar cookies at the bottom of the tank (you did get that this was a dream right?) I woke up and sure enough it sounded like a waterfall.
"Didn't you just fill that up?" I asked Ryan, not really caring if he was awake.
"It's just the fishtank....wait...yeah I did."
We got up and found that the filter had clogged. (Pluto our scum sucker had been doing such a good job keeping the tank clean we didn't notice.) The water was backing up over the top and onto the cord and running down the cord dripping onto the dresser.
Fortunately we did have a towel under the tank.....unfortunately a full gallon of water had dripped out before I woke up. Our floor is still wet.
Needless to say, the next day Ryan went and got a new filter and moved things around a bit so that it won't happen again. Just thought I'd share that random story with you. You can now get back to your lives. ;)
P.S. Fishtank picture is an old one. We no longer have that many fish.
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