Amazon Best of the Month, May 2008: Stephenie Meyer, creator of the phenomenal teen-vamp Twilight series, takes paranormal romance into alien territory in her first adult novel. Those wary of sci-fi or teen angst will be pleasantly surprised by this mature and imaginative thriller, propelled by equal parts action and emotion. A species of altruistic parasites has peacefully assumed control of the minds and bodies of most humans, but feisty Melanie Stryder won't surrender her mind to the alien soul called Wanderer. Overwhelmed by Melanie's memories of fellow resistor Jared, Wanderer yields to her body's longing and sets off into the desert to find him. Likely the first love triangle involving just two bodies, it's unabashedly romantic, and the characters (human and alien) genuinely endearing. Readers intrigued by this familiar-yet-alien world will gleefully note that the story's end leaves the door open for a sequel--or another series. --Mari Malcolm I loved it! Stephanie Meyer has a true gift for writing in ways to make you really care about the characters involved. I'm jelous of her amazing skill, yet will shamelessly read anything she writes! A great romance without being smutty, a great plot. She even has an amazing way of making what I would normally call "drag moments" in the book exciting. I laughed, I moved me Bob! It had a great ending that satisfied the reader, yet left enough opening if she does decide to carry on. The beginning seemed weird, but I was quickly sucked in and had a hard time putting it down. Did I mention I loved it?
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