To be irrevocably in love with a vampire is both fantasy and nightmare woven into a dangerously heightened reality for Bella Swan. Pulled in one direction by her intense passion for Edward Cullen, and in another by her profound connection to werewolf Jacob Black, a tumultuous year of temptation, loss, and strife have led her to the ultimate turning point. Her imminent choice to either join the dark but seductive world of immortals or to pursue a fully human life has become the thread from which the fates of two tribes hangs.
Now that Bella has made her decision, a startling chain of unprecedented events is about to unfold with potentially devastating, and unfathomable, consequences. Just when the frayed strands of Bella's life-first discovered in Twilight, then scattered and torn in New Moon and Eclipse-seem ready to heal and knit together, could they be destroyed... forever?
The astonishing, breathlessly anticipated conclusion to the Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn illuminates the secrets and mysteries of this spellbinding romantic epic that has entranced millions.
So, What did I think of Breaking Dawn? Well I have lot's of things to say but let me start out by saying that there are spoilers here. Do NOT read this if you are planning on reading Breaking Dawn and haven't finished yet!
Okay, now let me also mention that I love Stephanie Meyer! I love how she makes you really care about the characters. I love how her romance makes me feel warm and fuzzy and not uncomfortable. I will likely read everything she writes! I also enjoyed Breaking Dawn! Here's the breakdown of thing I liked and didn't like and how I felt in general.
Well gets right to it doesn't she? Wham Blam wedding honeymoon! I was surpised that she moved through those so quickly, but I'm glad since there's little drama left there.
*insert comment. So sex scenes....Hmm not too bad. Fine for me, but not sure I'd want my teenage daughter reading that. (No I don't really have a teenage daughter, jeez folks I'm only 24!) They were a tiny bit too graphic at times. It didn't really bother me though. So swearing....Um I was actually okay with that. Oddly it seemed to fit Jacob's personality. Maybe becuase he reminds me of people I know.... Anyway I was okay with it, but here's the thing, the LDS community, not so pleased with the added sex and swearing; The General public didn't think the sex scenes were explicit enough. Poor Steph, what to do what to do. It's one of those things you just have to choose which side and go for it. In the middle is not the best place on those things. Just my general opinion, though once again I am fine with how it was.
Pregnant? Oh yes I suspected this was coming so I wasn't surprised. I know some people have some issues with the biolgy of how this happened and how her pregnancy worked....umm have you studied the biology of vampires? I sure haven't...oh wait that's right, they don't really exist so how do you know what to expect and what would or wouldn't work with being impregnated by one? I think our suspended realty can stretch that far don't you?
Poor Jacob. I must say I've always really liked Jacob! Oddly I think New Moon is my fav cause we get to know him better. I hurt for him at the end of Eclipse and was kinda glad to see him agian but also sad for him. I really really enjoyed reading from his perspective. Loved those chapter titles. He cracks me up! Maybe because he's so real . Anyway I felt it rather sadistic for Bella to always be happy for him to be around. Why can't she just let him go? She's married! It's so inappropriate! Then....
Predictable. In those first Jacob Chapters I had it pegged. That baby would be a girl and he would imprint on her. Why did this surprise so many people? Stephanie totally got you ready for this when Quil imprinted on an infant. I know I know she tried to throw you with Bella's certainty that it would be a boy, but I didn't believe her for a second! So that's how they were going to keep him in their lives....weird...too convienient...eh I suppose I'm okay with it, didn't give me warm fuzzys though.
Lets skim for a minute....baby girl....turned immortal... poof! love triangle disolves so conviently... Bella very controlled (let down a bit there, not sure why but I was so ready for that bloodlust) ...yadda yadda yadda... yeah the book dragged for a bit there. Well written, but not enough excitement, no real conflict for several chapters.
Also predicted upcoming battle with Volturi. Didn't you? Though I assume we were suppose to. That whole story about taboo immortal children wasn't just for the fun of it!
Gathering vamps! Okay that's cool. More vamps, some with cool gifts. Kept up with most, but somethings seemed to go a bit too fast perhaps. It's okay we're gearing up for the big battle....
What? Where? What the heck happened to the big battle? I think this is my only real disappointment with the book. I was ready. I was even reading out loud for Ryan to hear the cool battle scene! It was going to be better than Lord of the Rings! Thhhpppppt! Yay for Bella discovering her gift! That was great and cool for her but where's the charge? What about Benjamin's super cool power! I so wanted to see more of that! If he could control fire he could throw fireballs at that guard! How awesome would that be?!? No... nothin' How anti-climatic. My only consulation was that the Romanians were bummed too. (I kinda liked them).
Dead end...oh yeah there was one other thing that really bugged me. We spent so much time following Alice's master plan without actually knowing what it was. Getting papers for Jacob and Nessie, keeping it all a secret for Edward so Aro wouldn't find out....ummm yeah dead end, completely unnecessary. I was ready for a really cool interwined plan with this...and her...and that...and they...and then...nothing. Good job with the "Just in case" *sigh* what a let down. It was like someone asked Stephanie "So how do the Cullens get all their ids and stuff so they can pretend to be normal?" And she's like "I'll fit into my next book, even though it doesn't really apply."
Happy wrap up...Awww they all lived happily ever after in a perfect little world with no conflicts. Wait what is the target audience again? We aren't children. We could have handled a few deaths in the big battle (had there been one). Shoot I thought that's why we had so many vamp friends coming so we could kill off some! Like in a disaster movie where you look at the group at the beginning and think, oh yeah, the fat guy, funny black guy, and mean blond chick are so getting dead. Like Leah, she could have gotten killed in a good battle. That would have been okay. She was misurable anyway! And some of the others too...Not Seth though I LOVE Seth! We could have handled a bittersweet ending. Like the final episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Now there was an ending! Big battle! Some people died! The ones we really cared about got out alive...barely. We feel resolved. So anyway a bit of a letdown there at the end too. All the characters we loved are now completely unrelatable in their perfect little world. *sigh*
Umm okay so there's my opinion. You are more than welcome to disagree with anything I said. Quite frankly I'd love the discussion. I really did like the book, just didn't love the book like I did the other three. That's all. And now I've practically written a book on the book. =o)
did you know she is coming out w a sequel to this book. Yep she was on good morning america. I thought she was done but maybe the passports will come in handy????
This comment is a little late, but I had to re-read your review because I'm not even sure I want to continue with the series. The first book is a little disappointing so far. :(
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