Two hidden artifacts have been found. Three more remain unrecovered. More preserves face destruction as the Society of the Evening Star relentlessly pursues new talismans. Reading in Patton s Journal of Secrets, Kendra learns the location of the key to a vault housing one of the artifacts. In order to retrieve it, the Knights of the Dawn must enter a death trap a dragon sanctuary called Wyrmroost. The mission cannot proceed without stealing a sacred object zealously guarded by the centaurs. Anybody seen Seth? The race is on to acquire all five of the artifact keys to the great demon prison. Will the Knights of the Dawn conquer Wyrmroost? Who can stop the Sphinx? Can Vanessa be trusted to help? What artifact will be found next? Find out in Fablehaven: Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary.
Loved it! Love all of 'em. If you havn't read this series yet what are you waiting for? The last book to come out? oh, well there is one more being written write now to tie up the series. You can get started on the first four while you wait.
I am amazed at how every page seems packed with action and yet there's still enough character development to make us really love and hate the characters involved. Like Kendra and the others, you wonder who you can trust, who's on which side. . . In this book there was a major betrayal. I'm usually fairly good and picking out traitors, but this one totally blind-sided me. It was so well done that I myself felt a great betrayal and muttered to Ryan about it long after I finished the book. (he doesn't read books so I can spoil them all I want to for him).
Kendra and Seth are growing up, maturing, and developing their own special magic talents. I love this character growth. I'm greatly looking forward to the final book in the series, though will also be sad when it's over.
This is a great clean book. It's safe to read to your kids, but can get pretty scary so perhaps not if they are sensative to that. It's also great for all ages. Plenty to keep you guessing and fun creatures to imagine.
Oh, I can't wait to read this new one...though I'll probably have to. I loved the others as well!
I love your book reviews and always look forward to them! Wish I had some more time to read...
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