Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Lisa's World

So at Digi Scrap LO contests we were doing a secret sister, well I thought I had a little longer then I did, but this is what I had in mind all along anyway so it motivated me to hurry and finish. I had Lisa (sladd79054). She mentioned that she liked blue, brown, and pink; polka dots, grunge, and country. So I took all the thing she liked and this is what I came up with! Lisa's World! So this is for Lisa! And the rest of you get the benefit of her gift as well!



sladd79054 said...

I love it!! Great job. You are wonderful!!

Angie said...

Rach - I love it! You create such fun stuff!

Sara said...

Great job! You have been featured on B is for Belhepsibah at http://belhepsibah.blogspot.com Thank you for the wonderful kits! :)

Little Yancey Family said...

LOL! Thanks Sara!

Jodi said...

You made her an entire kit?! You rock! You are the best secret sister ever!

Unknown said...

This is really nice. Thank you for sharing.

TerriM said...

Great kit, great colors. Thanks for sharing. Hugs -- xoxo! (terri - hawaii)

Nina S said...

A beautiful kit. Thanks so much!

Alexanders said...

I love your kit Rachel! You are so talented!

Trina said...

I was organizing my supplies - and I had thought I downloaded this whole kit - but for some reason just ended up with the elements :( I came back to get the alpha and paper and the links don't work....Any ideas?

Thanks again for sharing such a beautiful kit!!

Trina said...

Ok, Sorry Rachel, LOL, ignore that last comment - I tried refreshing 3 times then it worked - weird I know! :D But thanks again!!!