Thursday, October 16, 2008

Quote - Twilight

"This truck is old enough to to be your car's grandfather -- have some respect."

~ Bella From Stephenie Meyer's Twilight

How 'bout a whole heap of bonus quotes?

"I thought you were suppose to be pretending I don't exist, not irritating me to death."
Bella 82
"So you are trying to irritate me to death? Since Tyler's van didn't do the job?"
Bella 82

Edward: "And if you don't come home what will he think?"
Bella: "He knows I've been meaning to do the laundry. Maybe he'll think I fell in the washer."

"You are the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."
Edward 273

"Okay, then, no throat exposure."Bella 275

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