"Tiny Treasures" Statements by Jodi
Template: "Playing with Paper" by Michelle Filo
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
3 in a Day!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Vector Floral Kit

This is free but you may notice I am sporting a lovely donate button off to the side there. If you'd like to donate a buck or two please do! For every $20 I get donated to me I will absolutely make another kit!
If you have any problems downloading please comment me and make sure to leave your e-mail address. Also you can e-mail me at with any layouts you've done using my kit and I may even sport it here on my blog! Enjoy!
The Ravenmaster's Secret

I loved it! Written for children but with such an exciting plot anyone could enjoy it! The Tower of London comes to life through the eyes of an eleven year old who lives there, such a different point of view from the prisoners there, but Forrest feels trapped there all the same. A great story of adventure, courage, and growth. The characters are warm and real. Going to look into more books written by Elvira Woodruff!
Quote - Ravenmaster's Secret
"Well, you cannot always know until the time comes when you are tested," his father told him. "Sometimes the need to right a wrong is so great, 'tis almost as if you have no choice left. You feel it in your very bones. And you can do nothing else but follow your heart."
~ From The Ravenmaster's Secret by Elvira Woodruff
Saturday, October 25, 2008
3 new Alphas
Family Faces
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Paper - "June Color" by cajaziscraps
Film strip - "Pumpkin Pie Spice" Just Mommies blog train
ribbon - "Frolicsome" by erecinella & "Earth Tones" by AWP
frame - by Harmonystar
ALpha - "First Spring Rubons" by Nicole
Flowers - "Breakfast at Tiffany's" by AWP & "Angel" by LilyDesigns
Leaves - "Make Like a Tree" by Harmonystar
Rock - "Backyard Playground" Collab
Quote - Jacob Have I Loved
~ From Jacob Have I Loved by Katherine Patterson
Jacob have I Loved

Esau have I hated . . .
Sara Louise Bradshaw is sick and tired of her beautiful twin Caroline. Ever since they were born, Caroline has been the pretty one, the talented one, the better sister. Even now, Caroline seems to take everything: Louise's friends, their parents' love, her dreams for the future.
For once in her life, Louise wants to be the special one. But in order to do that, she must first figure out who she is . . . and find a way to make a place for herself outside her sister's shadow.
Spoil Alert!
The problem was Caroline knew what she wanted and Louise didn't as the Captain pointed out. Louise didn't even know if she wanted Call as anything but a friend, but Caroline did and so she got him. Though it made me very sad.
When She got away from where everyone knew her she got to be just herself with no comparisons and could be happy.
The twins being born at the end was great. It showed that she understood and accepted that some people needed more attention, more help, and that's okay, but that everyone needed loved. The mom of the baby twins would never say she didn't know where her baby boy was when his baby sister was being saved. He was being held and nursed by the mom while Louise gave the little sister the extra attention she needed.
Not a favorite but a good right of passage book.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Speed Scrap at Ginger Scraps!
Get there a bit early to sign up for her forum if you haven't already.
And there will be a Participation prize! Also by me! A full capital grunge alpha in green and black with some punctuation.

So come get your speed scrap on!
The first is pretty self explanatory. My blog is Excellent!
The second is the "Proximidada Award" or "Friendship Around the World Award".
Originally this award was written in Spanish, but it translates to highlight blogs that are pleasing or special in some way, and also to extend the hand of friendship around the world.
The digi scrap world transends all oceans and borders. Many of the kits I used have been made by designers from all over the world.
Now I'm suppose to pass these on but most of the people I know have already recieved them. So if you have not and think you may deserve one or both of these awards let me know! ;o)
Time and all Eternity
Monday, October 20, 2008

Bella Swan's move to Forks, a small, perpetually rainy town in Washington, could have been the most boring move she ever made. But once she meets the mysterious and alluring Edward Cullen, Bella's life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn. Up until now, Edward has managed to keep his vampire identity a secret in the small community he lives in, but now nobody is safe, especially Bella, the person Edward holds most dear. (
Second time around. . . Still loved it! It still gets my heart pumping. The romance is so clean and appealing, the danger so alluring. Granted I didn't read it as quickly this time. The pull to see what happens wasn't there cause I already knew, but it was still worth rereading for the details and the hilarious banter that they seem to loose a bit in the other books, but then you have Jacob for that then. Hee. I had forgotten how she ended it so it could go either way. Brilliant even though she had a sequal in mind she probably wasn't sure she should get it printed so good ending to that one too!
Friday, October 17, 2008

Paper- Peach petals by carjaziscraps
Bubbles - Harmonystar
Fence - Pumpkin Pie Spice by Just Mommies blog train
Stitch - "Comme un oiseau sur une branche" by Loloden designs
Frame - "Angel" by Lily Designs
Flower - Beautimous by Summertime Design
Tag - Renewal by Tracy Sims
Leaves - "Make like a Tree" by Harmonystar
Staples - "Bits n pieces" by Harmonystar
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Quote - Twilight
~ Bella From Stephenie Meyer's Twilight
How 'bout a whole heap of bonus quotes?
"I thought you were suppose to be pretending I don't exist, not irritating me to death."
Bella 82
"So you are trying to irritate me to death? Since Tyler's van didn't do the job?"
Bella 82
Edward: "And if you don't come home what will he think?"
Bella: "He knows I've been meaning to do the laundry. Maybe he'll think I fell in the washer."
"You are the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."
Edward 273
"Okay, then, no throat exposure."Bella 275
Horseshoe Lake
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Pumpkin Patch
"Harvest Spice" by Shabby Princess
"Make like a tree" by Harmonystar
"Pumpkin Pie Spice" Just Mommies blog train
tag - "Blissful me" by Melissa Herzog
Journaling block - "Promise" by Shabby Princess
Brad - "Bits n Pieces" by Harmonystar
ALpha - "Fall Leaves Alpha" byChaos Lounge Creations
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Make Like a Tree . . .

Quote - Writing
-- Russell Freedman
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Many Faces of Jaden
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Mymmy's lil Pumpkin