Thursday, November 26, 2009

Black Friday Sales

Many of the other designers at Ginger Scraps are also have 50% off sales. Including ME!! Check out all Harmonystar products for 50% off including CU items! Discount shows up at checkout.

Remember this little number?

I've updated some things and you can get it for FREE tomorrow at Gingerscraps!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I just love this new kit by Miss Erin. She just released it today and it's on sale! So go pick it up!
I couldn't resist scrapping these two pictures together. One is of Jaden and daddy, the other Bella. They're just so sweet.
Moonlight Sonata by Miss Erin Scraps
Template by WM Squared

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Word on the Street

Welcome to Gingerscraps' first ever Word on the Street Game!

Here's how it works:

Somewhere on this blog I have hidden a secret letter and you have to find it! This letter makes part of a secret 9 letter word. Find the letter on my blog and continue to the next blog on the train to get the next letter, and the next and the next! When you get to the end of the train, you will have a complete word. Enter that word into the search engine at Gingerscraps shop and it will turn up a special selection of products that are at a SUPER sale price!
Are you ready?
Get out a pen and some paper!Once you are ready, continue on to Ginger's blog

Please note that Gingerscraps team members come from far and wide! There may be differences in time zones. Please be patient if someone does not have their letter posted yet ; )Also, this blog hop starts at the GS site blog... so if you're joining somewhere in the middle make sure you make your way all around!

You don't want to miss this!!!

This is going to be so great! Several gingerscraps designers are going to have a HUGE secret sale, including me! So make sure to come back tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Quote - Leven Thumps

"Dennis looked out the window and took stock of his life. . . He had withdrawn his life savings, quit his job, and here he was traveling across the world -- all under the direction of a toothpick he had found in his sandwich."

~Leven Thumps and the Whispered Secret by Obert Skye

Vroom Vroom

Scrappy Cocoa has this great kit called Work Zone. It's like it was made for Jaden. He loves his vroom vrooms so very much! I also used this layout for the template challenge at Scrap Matters

Work Zone by Scrappy Cocoa
Template by Neverland Scraps