Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ghost of the Bayou
Monday, September 29, 2008
Quote - Persuasion
~ a note from Captain Fredrick Wentworth from Jane Austin's Persuasion.
Bonus Quote: Yup even with that one so long you still get another.
"I must learn to brook being happier than I deserve."
~Captain Fredrick Wentworth from Jane Austin's Persuasion.

From Amazon.com
Our discussion questions from my LDS bookclub at CafeMom:
2) Is Mrs. Russell a true friend to Anne despite her occasional bad advice? How do you feel about her eagerness to match Anne with Mr. Elliot? (Does anyone feel sorry for Elizabeth when Mr. Elliot suddenly switches his attentions from her to Anne?)
Yes. Advice is a tricky thing, especially when it comes to friends. Bad advice doesn't make a bad friend since at the time Mrs. Russell truly believed she was giving good advice and looking out for Anne's best interests. It is ALWAYS up to the individual to gauge whether the advice itself is best for them or not regardless of who gave the advice.
A match of Anne and Mr. Elliot would indeed be a good one for the family. (ignoring the whole incest thing. ;o) ) Anne could then be mistress of Kellynch Hall. Anne admits to herself that that would be nice. Mrs. Russell couldn't see Mr. Elliot for who he was and just saw the charm he meant them to see. People fall for false impressions all the time.
It's difficult to feel sorry for Elizabeth for anything. She seems very shallow which makes it difficult to feel anything for her.
3) {Just for fun} Sir Walter Elliot believes that cold weather has an unfortunate effect on women's beauty. Do you agree? How about hot weather? In which weather do you personally look your best?
I lived in Florida for 8 months and worked outside the whole time. I had a great tan and even skin. I didn't have to wear make-up to even out my complection. I feel that was the best look for me. Too bad I'm stuck up north!
4) Explain the title.
Anne's ONLY character flaw was her inability to speak up for herself. She did the bidding of her father, sisters, and even dear friends without question. Though in comparison Louise's failure to listen to reason ended in her being injured. Persuasion is a good title since being persuaded or not can lead to disaster. Being persuaded to view someone as they are not can also be a danger, but then at the end was Mrs Russell not persuaded to accept Captain Wentworth? Persuasion is neither good nor evil. One just has to choose for themselves when advice or impressions come their way.
5) What I thought
The book was so very slow at first. The language difficult to get into (This coming from a Shakespeare lover) It was like watching a foreign film with subtitles. for awhile they seem to get in the way and distract then eventually you forget you're reading subtitles at all. Once into the book I really enjoyed it. The character personalities were very unique if a bit exaggerated, yet I still had difficulties at times distinguishing character names. Too many similarities.
I was not fond of the end. Oh yes I'm glad it had a happy ending but this whole Mr. Elliot and Mrs. Clay situation seems to not be resolved at all. Anne & Captain Wentworth's character development was pretty good though.
Friday, September 26, 2008
It's Open!

My Daddy
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

All Tangled up
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Ginger Scraps Party!

Box 'im up!
Balloons of fun!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Alpha Book!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Mmm Cake
Jeni Hopewell
Monday, September 15, 2008
Fablehaven 3 Grip of the Shadow Plague

Aww, Fablehaven! I do enjoy this series. I would have loved it as a kid, and well, I love it now! It's one of those raritys like Harry Potter where it's a children's book but the plot and twists are so good at keeping you guessing that even an adult can fully appreciate the story.
Once again a bit jelous at an author who made it big on his very first novel, I gotta give him credit for his ability to keep exciting things happening without being too repetative in the conflict plot. Oh sure, Fablehaven is in danger AGAIN, but it's the way they get it OUT of danger that is so creative.
I love meeting new magical creatures as well as talented humans. I love the new love interest for Kendra, after all she is nearly 15 and what 14-16 year old girl isn't thinking about boys? Will it be for good or ill we do not yet know.
I like that Seth is maturing, but remains the young boy who in a sense thinks of himself as indestructable. This is true of nearly any boy his age so I enjoy his character development greatly.
Keep 'em comin'. I'll keep reading!
Quote - Human
~Stan Sorenson from FableHaven 3 Grip of the Shadow Plague by Brandon Mull
Bonus Quote:
"When jumping is the sole option, you jump, and try to make it work."
~From FableHaven 3 Grip of the Shadow Plague by Brandon Mull
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Kid Food?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Plane Cute
Monday, September 8, 2008
Valentine Dinner scrap page
Quote - Ends
~ from "All Books Have Genders" by Neil Gaiman
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Sleepy Thumb Sucker
Dirty Boy
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Quote - Luck
A Walk in Wolf Wood
Not surprising it would be popular for 6th graders. The age range and bravery shown makes it good for them. Also they probably would accept the way they were just suddenly in the past a little easier than I would where I'm used to a bit more of an explanation. I think there are some better written fantasy books for this age group though. Like the Spiderwick Chronicles (book of course is much better than the movie) and the Unicorn Chronicles which are an all time favorite of mine still!